Our hand-picked
team provides the
best possible quality
to participants and
coaching clients.
Johanna Junholm
Founder, Managing Director and Coach
She is a leader and a pioneer in the domain of holistic coaching. A mother of two wonderful children, a black belt teacher in Nia and a lover of life. Johanna developed a vast knowledge in the areas of leadership, talent development and coaching working in multinational corporations as an HR Manager. After going through a series of life changing events she founded Peak Perspective, with the aim of bringing out the best in human beings. Today Johanna coaches individuals, leaders and teams and has her own coaching academy, in which she trains coaches in her unique holistic coaching approach. Johanna is someone who sees you, as in the real you. She comes from the heart and gets to the heart in a surprisingly fast “spot on” manner.
Grit Papenfuß
Finance & Operations Manager
Grit is a seasoned professional, with more than 25 years of experience within corporate settings. She brings along vast managerial knowledge. You could say she is the backbone of Peak Perspective, taking care of our financial and operational responsibilities. Grit truly makes things happen with her pragmatic, straightforward and pragmatic approach. She has organized herself in line with our beliefs, living close to nature – and balancing work, life and play.
Caroline Bitterschulte
Sales & Communication Manager, Coach
Caro worked for many years as an HR Manager at one of Germany´s largest retail chains. She loves challenges and the outdoors. Her super powers are her excellent people skills, her dedication and her eye for details. In addition, she is developing into the role of a coach, focusing on the growth of young talents – privately with her teenage daughters and as a coach with Peak Perspective.
Marcus Fry
Marcus has over 20 years of management and consultancy experience in the health & wellness industry, which has given him an unparalleled understanding of the complex structures and processes of organizations. After an inspiring recovery from a sudden and serious disability, he is a firm believer of the power of inner strength and self-leadership. Marcus is here to show that you can make the impossible possible, supporting you in unleashing the power within. His motto: Everything you will ever need, you already have.
Joris Veger
Katharina Hurrle
Katharina is a people enthusiast with 10+ years of experience in various HR roles. Her trademark is her unwavering belief in the good, creating strong foundations of trust. She is shaping the future of (new) work through awareness, self-leadership and empowerment. As a mother of three children, she knows about the importance of balance and selfcare.
Jochen Oppermann
Jochen is a General Manager in the movie business for more than 15 years. Empathetic as a leader, Jochen is striving for excellent processes and results, while keeping people engaged and well balanced. A personal crisis and being a father of two children taught him how to the balance the pressure of the working environment with his private life. He is driven to empower others, and in particular men, in finding their inner strength and confidence.
Bente Freynhagen-Feth
Als Pharmazeutin versteht Bente die Kommunikation zwischen Emotionen und Körper besonders gut. Sie ist begeisterte Sportlerin und Mutter von zwei wunderbaren Kindern. Seit vielen Jahren arbeitet sie als Apothekerin und sieht täglich die Symptome ihrer Patienten. Das Coaching ermöglicht ihr die Menschen liebevoll zu begleiten, damit sie die Signale des Körpers verstehen und aktiv die Verantwortung für ihren Heilungsprozess übernehmen. Bente liebt die Natur und ist am liebsten am Wasser, im Wald und in den Bergen unterwegs- immer auf ihr Herz hörend!
Josje van der Wielen
Jon Gadellaa
Jon is passionate about bringing the best out of people, always keeping in mind the relationships and the systems involved. During his career he has worked in strategy and business development roles across Europe & the Middle East, gaining valuable knowledge about the development of people and organizations. As a coach he does not shy away from uncomfortable topics and will challenge where necessary. Thanks to his structured mindset he will be of great help defining clear steps to reach your goals.
How to get started?
Please contact us for a free 15 min get-started call.
Or book your online coaching session directly online.